The What, Why and How of Data Mining

What Is Data Mining?

Data Mining is the art and science of discovering and exploiting new, useful, and profitable relationships in data. While deep learning may yield an opaque prediction model based on past behavior, the emphasis in data mining is on gaining a practical understanding of the mechanisms at work.

Why should I be considering Data Mining?

Because it can improve customer service, better target marketing campaigns, identify high-risk clients, and improve production processes. In short, because it can help you or your company make or save money.

How can my company get started?

The first stage is to critically examine your data and your business objectives. Albion Research Ltd can assist you in determining the feasibility of a data mining project, in proof-of-concept development, and by working with your staff to integrate data mining into your day-to-day operations.

Please contact us if you have a project in mind.
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